Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Love of God

Are we more fascinated with the love of God or the love of God. That is to say, do we think more about the fact that God loves us or the fact that it is indeed God who loves us. I have a tendency to think more about the fact that God loves me and that leads to asking the question, why does God love me? Once on this track I can come up with all manner of selfish reasons to say that God loves me, all centered around what I have done or who I am. The truth is that God loves me because of who He is not who I am. This is a gloriously freeing truth. Once we understand this we can be free in knowing that no matter what I do or how I change God will continue to love me. (I am not saying here that we can do whatever we desire and God will just wink it away. I am saying that in His love he will discipline us to conform us to His likeness, and that is most loving! Heb. 12:3-11) As one writer put it "God does not love us because we are valuable, but we are valuable because God loves us." If we only look at God's love as a gift we may think we have earned it as a reward. When we see that love is who He is and it stands alongside His holiness we are compelled to see who we really are. His love should never drive us to think more of ourselves but rather more of Him. It is the love of God that should compel us to find out more about Him. It should cause us to ask "Who is this King of Glory?"Psalm 24:8 Once we have embarked upon that journey we will discovery more of His character and find that it is truly in Him that we find lasting and infinite joy. When we value God as supreme we find that joy in anything else is fleeting and fades quickly. Yet God has no end and no limit and when we find our joy in Him (not His gifts) we find that our joy will also have no end. That is why God loves us. He loves us because it shows who He is and knowing who He is brings us joy. God's love brings about our infinite joy in Him. That is most loving! Could there be a greater love than that which seeks to bring about our infinite joy.


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